

  • Autore: Laura Sartini
  • Ultima modifica: Maggio 2010

Dal Soroptimist International d'Europa è giunto l'invito a partecipare alla

6° edizione della MARATONA DELLA PACE

che si terrà a Kigali (Rwanda) il prossimo 23 Maggio.

Di seguito riportiamo la comunicazione recante tutte le informazione per quante fossero interessate a parteciparvi


A Call to the 6th Peace Marathon 2010 in Rwanda on Whitsun 23 May
There are many reasons to go to Rwanda for the Peace Marathon 2010.
The first Marathon was organised by Soroptimist International of Europe in 2005:

For one thing, you will witness the enormous progress this beautiful country has made since the horrific genocide of 1994. Be inspired by the incredible enthusiasm of the youngsters participating in the Run for Fun event. They are the future of Africa!
Information can be provided about how to register and travel to Kigali. Details of the Tours in Rwanda can be found on the tour operator’s website; 
The marathon is the perfect occasion to meet Rwandan Soroptimists and to visit their many education and water projects around the country. You will also enjoy the wonderful Rwandan food with the freshest vegetable and fruit you can imagine. Several tours will be offered which you will find under; . For example seeing the gorillas in their natural habitat is an unforgettable experience!

Don’t miss to visit San Marco in Kigali, a unique Soroptimist project which has created a huge multifunctional meeting hall and training facility. You will be tempted to buy some of the handmade objects from pupils of San Marco and other educational projects.
The workshop in vegetable fibres for Young Designers from Europe and from Africa will take place at San Marco for the second time in May. This project is extremely fascinating; . See what wonderful things are made from materials like grass, banana leaves and bark.
To further support the event if you cannot personally go to Rwanda, why not contact the marathon organisations in your country and have them advertise the marathon on their website. Another idea is to organise a Peace Marathon evening in your community showing photos and a video of previous marathons.
Or, why not sponsor runners from your country to participate in the full marathon or the half-marathon?
Contact the media. Send press releases and reports before the run, and ask the media to publish articles about he results of the run. And, of course, always emphasise that it is a Soroptimist event that benefits the people of Rwanda.
For more information contact:

Gudrun Horst

Bettina Scholl-Sabbatini
Kathy Kaaf, SI/E President elect 2009-2011