
SIE: Fondazione del Club Budapest Corvinus

  • Autore: Laura Sartini
  • Ultima modifica: Maggio 2019

Dear Soroptimist Union and SCHR Presidents,


We are delighted to send you our wonderful insider programs of our Charter Weekend in Budapest.

Please find attached the full and extended information of our programs, venues, including information about our charter ceremony itself.

We believe that our program "teaser" / inspirations brochure, will make you feel like joining us. Of course, this is together with the wonderful festivity of our SI Budapest CORVINUS Club Charter :-)

Please be so kind and distribute this information package to all Soroptimists in your area, responsibility zones and to Friends!

As we would like this to be a true international event - and a fantastic life time memory.


With warm Soroptimist regards and in hope to see you in September in Budapest,


Katalin Juhos-Lockefeer, on behalf of 
Krisztina Merényi

President / Budapest CORVINUS Club        (Soroptimist Club being chartered)



Dear Soroptimist Union and SCHR Presidents,

We are delighted to announce the Charter of the Budapest CORVINUS Club, combined with a Friendship Weekend 6-8. September 2019.

We kindly invite you to join our special insider Budapest programs and a gala dinner celebration.

Please distribute the attached Save-the-Date invitation among your Clubs and all Soroptimist members in your area, as we would like to welcome a large group of Soroptimists from many different countries. Your and their participation are highly important for the successful start of our new club, as well as for our charity projects. We are already highly active in many initiatives.

We look forward to celebrating a wonderful weekend with you, and get chartered to become part of the wonderful Soroptimist International “world-wide family”.

With warm Soroptimist regards and in hope to see you in September in Budapest,

Katalin Juhos-Lockefeer, on behalf of

Krisztina Merényi

President / Budapest CORVINUS Club        (Soroptimist Club being chartered)



Dear Soroptimist Union and SCHR Presidents,

Please find attached our Registration Form, program brochures and hotel booking forms attached, to our insider weekend in  Budapest, that we organised with a great deal of passion.
There are numerous beautiful homes to stay at in Budapest via at very good prices, as well.


Please distribute the attached among your Clubs and all Soroptimist members in your area, as we would like to welcome a large group of Soroptimists from many different countries. Your and their participation are highly important for the successful start of our new club, as well as for our charity projects. We are already highly active in many initiatives.

In case you are not able to join us in person, we truly appreciate your kind donations for our “Young Talents in Need in Hungary” and our other amazing projects to our bank account:  Budapest CORVINUS Club, at Budapest Bank, H-1138 Budapest, Váci út 193.     IBAN:   HU90 10103379-29839300-01005008    Swift / BIC code:   BUDAHUHB


However, we would be the happiest if you could join us for our Charter and at our wonderful weekend activities!

With warm Soroptimist regards and with gratefulness,

Katalin Juhos-Lockefeer, on behalf of

Krisztina Merényi

President / Budapest CORVINUS Club        (Soroptimist Club being chartered)